T-UK British Championships

On Saturday 12th October, a small team from T-UK Leeds travelled to Warwick University for the T-UK British Championships.

In this event, we had over 400 competitors and circa 1000 spectators so it was probably the biggest event T-UK has put on in its history

After the usual opening introductions, first up to a square was Idrees. The first category was pattern. Idrees chose to perform Do-San but it is fair to say ring fright kicked in, which was not surprising for his first ever tournament. Even though the pattern didn’t go as planned, Idrees came back to win Bronze in sparring. Several people close buy thought Idrees won gold but that is the way tournaments go sometimes.

Next up, and almost simultaneously were Hayton and Haylea. Both took on pattern and sparring and I am pleased to say both did really well with Hayton winning gold in sparring and silver in pattern and Heylea winning a silver and bronze respectively. Great job by both guys. We are really proud of you.

Oleks was on next. Tournament were not new for the old war horse. We didn’t get a medal in pattern this time but Oleks won a silver in sparring with a really good showing.

All really good news and our congratulations go out to all. On a sad point, Anton entered pattern and sparring but unfortunately dislocated his shoulder again and had to be taken to A & E. This was a bit if a freak accident and thankfully, Anton is healing well.

All in all it was a really pleasing day and a special mention should go out to Emma who ran a square for the whole day. Great job. All the seniors in T-UK want Emma on their team because she is so good at what she does. Mind you, she has been doing this (running a square) since she was 9.

A pleasing day for all. Well done guys.

Ian Ridley